‘What’s your biggest regret?’
That middle-aged man froze silently. His mouth seemed reluctant to tell all the things that might not end well for him.
She was the one who introduced me to how the word `not easy` is a beautiful magic that makes me unable to look away.
She was the one who revived the functions of my frozen mind.
She forced a smile on my lips that have been robbed by suffering.
She was the one who explains all the hatred that I misunderstood.
I can’t forget when I felt I was the most useless person in this world, and she was the only person who was willing to pick me up from a pile full of trash.
I couldn’t easily look away from her, who tapped me on the shoulder when I raised my hand in surrender.
I couldn’t easily escape from the light that shines me through the dark tunnel of sorrow.
Just imagine, who else wants to accept a man that is even hated by people who I thought were good all along.
Hopes that are dashed, suffering that seems eternal, tears that have long dried up, disappointment that never goes away, there is only one figure that holds my hand and takes me away from there.
It’s her.
‘So, after all that happy things you’ve told, why do you say your biggest regret is her?’
‘Because I can only say sweet things about her when she is no longer here.’